Friday, March 16, 2018

Day 2

There has not been much change yet!  Though the ingrown toe nail might not be as bad as before, but I am not sure yet.

I will have to post pictures tomorrow because Blogger won’t give me the option to upload pictures from the IPad.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Day 1

I have heard about the claims of how Kangen Water 2.5 can cure toe nail fungus, and I wanted to see for myself if these claims were true, and to see just how fast it could cure it if the claims were true.

I also just wanted to see if Kangen Water 2.5 can make my old lady hands look younger too so I threw that in here just because I was curious.

I plan to take a picture of my hands and feet each day to show how effective Kangen Water 2.5 is on treating them, and to also give a short update on how I am feeling.

To treat for toenail fungus it says that all I need to do is just to put Kangen Water 2.5 on a cotton ball and thoroughly wet my feet with it while making sure to get under the nails of my toes, and I am to do this twice each day.

Here are pictures of my ugly foot, and my old lady hands on Day 1.